What's Your Hobby?
Do you have a hobby? No matter your age, everyone should have a hobby. Marc's first hobby as a six year old was collecting sticks. My...

Do You Know the -ck Rule?
After writing Brick & Stick: Branching Out, a second grade teacher told me she loves to teach the -ck rule to her students using our...

Is It Okay to Get Excited?
When it is okay to get excited? Which side are you on? Keep your emotions in check or dance around like there's no tomorrow?

Branching Out: Risks vs Rewards
For those who have known me a long time, going out to eat was the main way I kept my family fed. Cooking always seemed like too much work...

Virtual Learning Check In
Are you one of the many parents/grandparents who are navigating the virtual learning world?

Sticking with Stamina
stam·i·na /ˈstamənə/ noun the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort. "their secret is stamina rather than speed" Brick &...

Distance Learning is Here!
Starting the School Year with Distance Learning

Parents Becoming the New Teacher
Parents, let's face it, you have always been your child's teacher. Who taught them how to walk, talk, use a cup, not to mention the...

Changing Roles
Congratulations parents, you have been promoted to professional educator. One day you were handling the challenges of parenting and...

"Summ" - time for Learning
School is out! Hooray! No rushing around trying to get lunches made, homework done, lugging backpacks, and finding lost shoes. Summertime...